Monday, August 2, 2010

Brake Engaged Automatically

i have been noticing this for quite sometime that my brake got engaged by itself when it's parked stationary... then what i did back then when it happened was to pump the brake paddle twice and it resolved the issue...

then today, when i was back from lunch in my colleague's car and drove pass my car, we noticed that my car's brake light is on including the 3rd brake light... this shows that the brake is currently engaged!!!???... sigh*** so he drove me back to the offiz and waited for me to grab my car keys from 4th floor before fetching me back to my car... zzzz...

as usual, the brake light disengaged once i pumped the brake paddle... as i have just recovered from car battery phobia, i left the office around 3:30pm and get the brake switch replaced... sigh*** i do really hope that this is the last piece of parts that i need to change..... zzzz

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